Tuesday, December 17, 2013



Photo Credit: Professor Daniel Sullivan

Finished Project

Our Finished Project

After countless hours of compiling code and trying to make this mechanism work, we finally were able to make our ideas a reality! Although at times it was very frustrating to say the least, overall it was a great experience and as a group we learned so much that will be carried with us throughout our successful futures.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wheel Code

This new updated code (posted through Github finally whoooohoooo!!) has put the wheel activation within the alarm loop so that the alarm clock can move away from the user.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

H-Bridge Difficulties

That Pesky H- Bridge!!

So far our pursuit in successfully operating our arduino with the H-Bridge has not been achieved. With some serious perseverance and some help from Prof. Sullivan we are looking to get it working by the end of today's group meeting. (Fingers crossed)

Our goal is to have the wheel turning beneath the alarm when the alarm sounds and have everything terminate when the button is clicked. So far getting the wheel to sync with the button has been a bit difficult.

More updates with pictures and videos of our almost finished project are soon to come!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We're Almost There

We're Almost There!!!
Today's Challenges
Today we have hit that monumental moment of trying to cram all of our arduino components into the 3D part. We've quickly realized that since the initial design of our 3D part our arduino arrangements have changed slightly therefore making it hard to fit everything inside. A video is shown that displays our current setup. It was challenging getting our breadboards and our redboards to sit still during the process of trying to put every part into its designated place.
Future Challenges
The next challenge is placing the wires so that they are tucked away and not visible. We also need to add extensions that make the buttons and potentiometer more accessible (because as of now they are awkwardly tucked away). When we get together next, we will have super glue, tape, cardboard as well as other helpful adhesives and structures to secure all of our components into the case. Once all of the components are secured, we need to add a back and a bottom to the case. These parts were unable to be 3D printed due to our constriction to 4 cubic inches so we will need to improvise.
Today we had our part soaked in a basic solution to remove the residual support layer that was utilized during printing. This layer was inhibiting us from sliding our arduino boards into our part. With this layer removed we will hopefully be able to cram all our electronics into our little case

Monday, December 9, 2013

3D Part

Today we retrieved our 3D part. It was very interesting to see that all the measurements were exactly the same and that it was completely constructed over the course of one weekend. The next challenge is to have all arduino and breadboards to fit within the part.